Network Marketing

Investment: P100 - P48000
1. Become a member.
2. Sell products / recruit to build your group.
3. Earn money.
Risk: 50% - Some companies disappear due to cas hflow issue. Other risk factors are that people are getting burnt out because it's hard to build a group, it's hard to sell the products and they thought that this is an easy task but it actually isn't.
Effort: 50% - You only need to exert a lot of effort at the start but once you have built a group, you won't have to do much except train them.
Return of Investment: 500% - 5000%
Rate of Return of Investment: 3 months - This depends on how much effort you put into it.
Possible Earnings Monthly: Up to P50,000
How Network Marketing Works
Network marketing is all about selling a specific product of a company, building a group of sellers that you train and support and lastly, advertising and sharing information about the products of the company to everyone you know. There are many ways to earn in network marketing companies but the sole focus must be on product sales. Network Marketing (also known as Multi-Level Marketing or MLM) provides a lot of earning opportunities for its members like getting discounts on the products, getting commissions from building an organization of sellers and more. First thing to take note before joining an MLM is the products. If the product is not marketable or you don't think you can sell it to anyone you know, choose a different company. Once you have decided to try to sell the product, look into the company's compensation plan for their network marketers. Study and see if the compensation plan has loopholes where overpayout or cashflow might occur. If these two things are good for you, then join the company and start selling and sharing the opportunity.
How to join an MLM
1. Look for a company that has products you know that you can sell.
2. Review their compensation plan and see if commissions given are too good to be true.
3. Find a supportive leader who can guide you through how this opportunity should be pursued upon. Once you have found one, visit the company and become a member by paying the registration fee.
4. Attend product trainings and seminars to boost your knowledge in doing this business.
5. Sell your products and build your group to generate passive income daily.
Things to Remember:
1. There are a lot of compensation plans for MLMs nowadays. The most stable out of all as of today is still the Binary system where you need to build 2 groups, your left and right group. If you don't plan to invite people and decided to just sell products, you won't get any benefits from this kind of compensation plan.
2. As much as possible, avoid companies with compensation plans that are fastract / Monoline / Oneline. These kinds of compensation plans are based from High Yield Investment Programs, where the first people to join and invest are the only ones who will benefit the most, leaving the new recruits to be left with nothing but regret. All Fast tract / Monoline companies have cashflow or early saturation issue. Overpayout occurs when there are too many members getting payouts while the company is not able to generate as much funds needed to support its members. This may be due to the decline of the number of sales or the company's first investors and members decided to withdraw all their earnings and move to another company.
3. Network Marketing is not a form of gambling. For you to gain money here, you need to exert effort by selling the products or by training people to sell the products.
4. Always be updated regarding the company you joined into. This is because you will also have to support your group by informing them of any change that is announced by the company.
5. To gain passive income, you need to become a leader. Build your group and support your downlines by training and guiding them well on how to conduct the business.
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